My weightloss journey


So on January 29th I started my weightloss journey and I’m now 5-6 weeks in. I have lost 16lbs overall , 4inches off of my waist , 3 of hips and 2 off of chest. And I couldn’t be happier!

So what started this whole thing was my happiness, How can I be happy when I’m not taking my health seriously ? I am a type 2 diabetic and that’s down to my weight and eating habits, and I know that if I lose the weight then I could reserve the diabetes and no longer have it! What more of an insentive do I need ? And if my clothes fit a bit better and my skin is a healither then I’m all for it !

I have been on so many ‘healthy eating diets ‘ and working out but it never worked for me in the past until now. I have downloaded the app My Fitness Pal and it is amazing ! I am able to track my Calories, and my macros and also track how much exercise I’m getting in and also my water intake. It has been a massive help for me as it gives me my daily calorie allowance, and I input what food I’m eating and it works everything out for me !

Exercise wise I have gone ant got myself a personal trainer ! I work with her once a week and she works be to the bone ! I am nearly passing out as I leave the studio , and I’m in pain for days afterwards ha! But the pain is good and all worth it in the long run. I also try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and if I can’t make the gym I workout at home, or I go for a walk/jog down the beach, I’m always trying to do something.

I have such a long way to go, but it’s going to take time and I’m in it for the long haul ! This is just the beginning, I will be posting weekly updates , workout routines , what I eat in a week and any tips and tricks I find useful myself ! Stay tuned!