New year , new me…..

Yes the title is a little cliche, and yes I am fully aware that I say this every single year; and do I keep up with all my resolutions? Hell no. I am human, I eat too much junk sometimes, I can be lazy in both exercise and not getting things done, and sometimes i’m just not motivated enough. I make the wrong choices, I listen to my head far too often, and I don’t do enough for myself.

I am also fully aware that your probably reading this and thinking “that is me in a nutshell”! We need to start giving ourselves credit for what we have achieved last year, and move one. Setting resolutions just doesn’t work ! We never stick to them ; or we stick to them for a month or two and then throw in the towel because its too hard, your unmotivated, or you simply dont have time. I mean last year I achieved a few of my goals, I passed my driving test and got myself a car, I changed job roles and now i’m a Teaching assistant in a reception class. My fiance and I moved out of my parents and he was promoted to assistant manager of his store. No I didn’t smash all of my goals, but I achieved some on them, and that is an achievement all on its own.

Towards the end of the year I really got to thinking about what I want from my life, and how to achieve them goals. This year there are a few things that I would like to achieve or do etc.

  • Travel more – I want nothing more then to travel the world, amerce myself in different cultures, see the sites and gain new experiences.
  • Get out of debt
  • Lose some weight, and control my diabetes better.
  • Have a job which pays a little more, and that I can be happy in.
  • Decorate my house
  • Have more fun and some me time.

To me looking at this list it really doesn’t seem that unreachable, and I’ve already started work on this list. Last night my fiance and I booked up to go to Germany for a few days next month. It felt amazing, I was doing something spontaneous, I was doing something for me, I was living for the first time in a while.

Now I have got lots of posts coming up, everything from my travel blogs, to my house renovation, fashion tips and tricks, weight loss updates, my beauty favorites and so much more !!

I hope you stay tuned for this amazingly bumpy ride !

My weightloss journey


So on January 29th I started my weightloss journey and I’m now 5-6 weeks in. I have lost 16lbs overall , 4inches off of my waist , 3 of hips and 2 off of chest. And I couldn’t be happier!

So what started this whole thing was my happiness, How can I be happy when I’m not taking my health seriously ? I am a type 2 diabetic and that’s down to my weight and eating habits, and I know that if I lose the weight then I could reserve the diabetes and no longer have it! What more of an insentive do I need ? And if my clothes fit a bit better and my skin is a healither then I’m all for it !

I have been on so many ‘healthy eating diets ‘ and working out but it never worked for me in the past until now. I have downloaded the app My Fitness Pal and it is amazing ! I am able to track my Calories, and my macros and also track how much exercise I’m getting in and also my water intake. It has been a massive help for me as it gives me my daily calorie allowance, and I input what food I’m eating and it works everything out for me !

Exercise wise I have gone ant got myself a personal trainer ! I work with her once a week and she works be to the bone ! I am nearly passing out as I leave the studio , and I’m in pain for days afterwards ha! But the pain is good and all worth it in the long run. I also try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and if I can’t make the gym I workout at home, or I go for a walk/jog down the beach, I’m always trying to do something.

I have such a long way to go, but it’s going to take time and I’m in it for the long haul ! This is just the beginning, I will be posting weekly updates , workout routines , what I eat in a week and any tips and tricks I find useful myself ! Stay tuned!

Is my hard work actually paying off ??

So here we are 4-5 weeks into my fitness and healthy lifestyle ! And I’ve lost possibly 4 pounds , depending on the day and of the scales want to work properly. If not I’ve only lost 1 pound ! I’ve been going to the gym 4 times a week sometimes 5 , and then I’m there for 2 hours at a time , and eating around 1100 kcals a day , and nothing ! I mean I’m a type 2 diabetic ; so the insulin doesn’t help with the weight loss and neither does the PCOS but come on !!! All this hard work and I have nothing to show for it ! I mean I’m not asking to be a size 6 or anything , I comfortable size 16 is all I want , not asking to much right ? 
But I shall keep going ; I will continue this journey and hope that it will eventually come off ! I mean don’t get me wrong I have lost a few inches off my waist and arms etc which is fantastic ! But when I see no progress on the scales it makes me question it all , you know ? Im so glad that with my new job as a retail merchandiser I have the freedom to pick and choose my hours pretty much , and that way I can fit my gym time around work ! 

Hopefully this time next year I will be saying to myself I told ya so ; I told you I could lose the weight , get healthy and fit ! And hopefully soonish I want to try plus size modelling ! I’m just nervous , what will people think , am I pretty enough etc , but I think it’s something I would enjoy and hopefully prove that big is beautiful 🙂